Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Mike's "Incident"

So, here's how the story goes.....

Last Monday morning, Mike calls me from work complaining that his stomach hurt. Mine hurt too so we figured we both had the bubble guts from something we ate. As the morning progressed my belly improved and his got worse. The girls and I headed to the gym and then to McDonald's for a Happy Meal. Mike got off of work early in order to prepare for his trip that was right around the corner. He met us at the restaurant and complained the entire time about his stomach hurting. We come home and he takes Nicole to the dentist for a check-up. He calls on his way home and says he's dying. I told him to stop by the Dollar Store for some Imodium to stop his "shit cramps" which is what we thought he was experiencing. So he comes home and heads upstairs to lay down...is up there for two hours or so and says that the medicine is not working. He stumbles downstairs and says that his stomach hurt to the touch and was grabbing it on the right side. I told him that he better 'go to the ER because he might have appendicitis'. He leaves to the ER and calls me within an hour and says that they said he either has appendicitis or kidney stones and they were going to scan him. Calls me back a little while later saying that there was an ambulance coming for him to take him to the Navy hospital so he could undergo surgery! Ha! That was pretty much it! I hauled the girls over to the neighbor's house (Thanks Mr. Chris & Miss Jen!) so I could join Mike at the hospital. I wasn't able to stay until he went into the OR....I think they took him back at 2am? I had to get home so I could grab the girls early in the am before our neighbors left for work.

Mike got back to his room around 530 and was told he'd be discharged around lunch time. I took Nicole to Kindergarten registration and then we headed to the hospital to retrieve our patient!

His recovery has been pretty good. Definitely sore, but he has been up and around from the get go. He had an upset stomach for a couple of days, but that has since passed. He's been to the gym, mowed the lawn, done all kinds of shit that he probably shouldn't be doing, but I can't keep the man down!!!

Thanks for all your well wishes! Mike appreciates them :)

Oh, and by the way, he's not asleep in that second picture....he was posing for me!

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