Last Monday morning, Mike calls me from work complaining that his stomach hurt. Mine hurt too so we figured we both had the bubble guts from something we ate. As the morning progressed my belly improved and his got worse. The girls and I headed to the gym and then to McDonald's for a Happy Meal. Mike got off of work early in order to prepare for his trip that was right around the corner. He met us at the restaurant and complained the entire time about his stomach hurting. We come home and he takes Nicole to the dentist for a check-up. He calls on his way home and says he's dying. I told him to stop by the Dollar Store for some Imodium to stop his "shit cramps" which is what we thought he was experiencing. So he comes home and heads upstairs to lay up there for two hours or so and says that the medicine is not working. He stumbles downstairs and says that his stomach hurt to the touch and was grabbing it on the right side. I told him that he better 'go to the ER because he might have appendicitis'. He leaves to the ER and calls me within an hour and says that they said he either has appendicitis or kidney stones and they were going to scan him. Calls me back a little while later saying that there was an ambulance coming for him to take him to the Navy hospital so he could undergo surgery! Ha! That was pretty much it! I hauled the girls over to the neighbor's house (Thanks Mr. Chris & Miss Jen!) so I could join Mike at the hospital. I wasn't able to stay until he went into the OR....I think they took him back at 2am? I had to get home so I could grab the girls early in the am before our neighbors left for work.
Mike got back to his room around 530 and was told he'd be discharged around lunch time. I took Nicole to Kindergarten registration and then we headed to the hospital to retrieve our patient!
His recovery has been pretty good. Definitely sore, but he has been up and around from the get go. He had an upset stomach for a couple of days, but that has since passed. He's been to the gym, mowed the lawn, done all kinds of shit that he probably shouldn't be doing, but I can't keep the man down!!!
Thanks for all your well wishes! Mike appreciates them :)
Oh, and by the way, he's not asleep in that second picture....he was posing for me!
From warm and sunny in tanks to chilly bundled up in coats.... that was the weather Sat & Sun this past weekend! These are from our stop at Seal Park after we caught a movie on base. Madeline & Mia were along for this adventure!
Enjoyed a day outdoors with the neighbors! We went to the park and the beach before returning to our yard for a little "kiddie" pool action. The little girls' names are Mia & Ava.
What is up people?! Been "gone" another month....can't believe how fast time is flying by this year!!!
So, let's see.... what have we been up to? Well, we went to Pittsburgh for Easter, that was fun. The girls stayed up there for their spring break, but the poor things ended up getting really sick. Nicole came down with Fifth's Disease and Aub had a horrible cold that just would not go away. They will have to save all the fun stuff Grandma had planned for them for the next time they are in town! They definitely enjoyed their time there though :)
My cousin Rowdy and his wife visited the girls and I last week. That was kind of exciting! It's not very often that we see my relatives on this coast! We are hoping they'll be able to come visit again soon while they are still out here.....I think they don't head back west until May sometime?
Mike was away most of last week and is gearing up to leave us again soon. We were hoping he wouldn't have to go out for so long, but it looks like he'll leave here next Wednesday and won't return until my birthday....which is mid- May. He'll be gone a total of 23 days and he says he only will work 3 days while out. Can't say he's too happy.
Just been busy little bees here, as usual. I don't think I've stopped at all this week. Took poor Sophie to the vet today for her last round of shots and to get micro-chiped. When they brought out the needle with the chip in it I about died-- it was huge!!! And the dumbass ended up having to poke her three different times to get the damn thing in there. By then she had bled all over! Anyway, she survived and is done until next year. Well, at least until she gets spayed. Oh, and she weighed a whopping 7lbs. She's getting so big (haha!)!
We register Nicole for Kindergarten next week! Her preschool year is coming to an end. She's got all sorts of fun stuff coming up-- a Mom & Daughter tea, her spring recital, a field trip to the zoo, and her graduation. Not to mention she'll be turning 5 pretty soon here.
Now onto Miss Aub. We had a busy day with her yesterday at the ENT! Finally got her back in there because the last time we were there he told me "one more ear infection and we'll put tubes". Well, she got one right before our trip to Pittsburgh. So while we were at her appt we discussed with the doc her chronic ear infections, her snoring, and poor sleeping habits. He told us that she definitely needs tubes, definitely needs her adenoids removed, and should probably have her tonsils removed as well. That's right folks, Aubrey is having surgery..... soon! We've been calling it the "triple threat" since she has to have all three procedures. While we were there we got to meet the dr that will be performing the surgery because both her and the first dr we saw were kind of on the fence about removing the tonsils. They told us the risks for leaving them in and taking them out and we all decided that it would be best if she had them removed. Aubrey also had a hearing test while we were there which was quite interesting -she actually has fluid in both ears and probably always has so the tubes are definitely necessary at this point.
Ok, so now ask me when surgery is. Yep, that's right, May 12th. Four days shy of Mike being home. Figures! Hate the Navy for him not being able to be there- but- at the same time love the Navy for allowing us to have such wonderful health coverage so that Aubrey can get these procedures done and maybe not be so sick all the time. We actually really like the drs that we saw and the hospital is great. Thank GOD for Grandma and Pap living so close! Grandma will come to town and help us out for the week of surgery. With Aubrey being so young she has to stay the night so I will be tied up for a couple of days!
Thank heaven we are getting this done now instead of waiting! Our trip out west is right around the corner! We are getting very excited for our trip :)
So, that's it. You are updated for now. I'll try to get back on and keep you all in the loop on the surgery haps and whatever else we have going on. I'll be an even busier girl soon though with Mike leaving.
There's a few picture posts below that you need to catch up on!
The day Nicole went back to school from break she got to go on a field trip to the Norfolk Botanical Gardens. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to drive the kids due to siblings not being allowed (dumb rule!). She got to go with her buddy, Jordan, and her mom, Jennifer.
Made it to Pittsburgh for Easter. We had fun, as always, it's great to see everyone up there! Nicole and Aub stayed the week after for Spring Break....they had big plans to do lots of fun stuff, but Nicole came down with Fifth's Disease and Aubrey had a horrible cold all week. The did enjoy their time there though, hopefully they won't be sick the next time they visit Grandma & Pap!
Here are some pictures from our Easter festivities this year. Some from school, some from Grandma's.....oh, and one of Mike and his cousin Missy from our evening out with all the cousins. I know you can't respond Missy (haha!) , hope you like the pic!!!